Wednesday 16 March 2011

ycn - Show and Tell Crit Feedback


- Clear, concept, specific direction.
- Simplicity of the colour works well, but I really like the variation of colour of the triangular concertina.
- Strong concept with the ideas linking well to the product.
- Visually attractive, designs are effective.
- Orator STD is a good and appropriate typeface.
- Nicely handcrafted.
- Great ways of engaging the audience with the stock - to see and feel the weights etc.
- Great crafting, the embossing also works really well.
- Love the mail out and the crafty vibes.
- Appropriate typeface.
- Embossing adds an element of class.
- The larger scale mail-out is definitely more suitable for postage.
- Very clearly consistent between web and mail.
- Clear type, easily readable without counters, capitals are a good choice.

Area for improvement:

- Would like to see a mock-up of the webpage, can't make the distinction without the image.
- Layout of the webpage.
- How is the ink printed? Specialist finishes to show off potential, not just hand crafting.
- Didn't know the brand and to us this doesn't look like it's targeted to the fashion label part of the target audience.
- Doesn't really speak to top fashion labels in my opinion, I wouldn't know that's your audience.
- How will you keep the concertinas fastened?
- Without seeing the webpage I can't see the consistency between this and the mail shot.
- The pink is too young - What about pastel shades?
- Why change from equilateral triangles in the direct mail to long/skinny/random shapes of triangle in the website?
- Pull out form is less confusing than the concertina inside direct mail.

Additional Comments:

- Be careful when designing the website as having crafted, paper buttons suspended will work giving shadow but you will have to make sure you can get other essential information into the layout and in scale with the photographs.
- For website consider using 3D folded paper objects (like the ones on display) as buttons, not just 2D cut-outs.
- Larger mail-shot is better - less likely to go missing in the post and more room for information.
- Should website be more landscape than portrait.

Answers to specific questions:

1. Do you think the overall design direction is appropriate?
- Yes! I love the innovative sample book.
2. Is there a clear consistency between the direct mail and webpage?
- Clear and consistent design between both elements.
3. Is the typeface suitable?
What about a more script-like typeface to appeal to creatives? It looks quite digital at the moment.
4. Are the colours appropriate for the target audience?
- Yes, the pink is particularly strong and vibrant.
5. Which format for the direct mail is most successful?
Zig-zag shape works best.Embossing the paper is a great focus instead of on printing.
6. Do you understand the concept of the paper webpage and how it will become digital?
7. How could we make more of a focus on a particular range?
Could easily be applied across all ranges.
8. Is the scale of the larger mail shot mock-up suitable?
Slightly too big, but the others are too small.
9. Is the concept of a crossover between paper having a physical and digital presence ok?
10. Is the strength of the stock suitable for the mail shot?
A little flimsy at larger scale but it might work when smaller.

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