Thursday, 31 March 2011

What is Graphic Design for?

During Thursday's debriefing for the Easter Break we were tasked with quickly writing down criteria within given sections that would help us to focus on what type of briefs would allow us to produce the kind of work we want.  Moving forward into the latter stages of this year and into the final year, I now need to become more specific on exactly the type of graphic designer I want to become, although I feel I have already began to make progress with this so far through the second year. 

To work on clear, focused briefs on subjects I am passionate about will allow me to build a portfolio that should really show who I am and what Im interested in as a designer. Now after having a little time to look back on this sheet I will draw up another that is more detailed and considered as these decisions I make now will form the path I take through the rest of the course.

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