Wednesday 9 February 2011

Top 10... Final Crit Title Sequence and Feedback

The title sequence is almost completed and any other alterations can be made along with other considerations mentioned by people giving feedback on my work in the crit.


Visual Quality :

1. Visuals work really well, clean, appropriate, good development from last time. Your initial concept between traditional and modern Japan has been resolved well! Visual research is also well developed.
2. In the scene with the mountain there is a gap - consider closing the gap to look neater. Two of the skyscraper lights come on a different times - fix it to make it smoother. Have you considered using type through the sequence?
3. Visual quality is very good, sharp and vivid colours. Not sure about the audio - a bit sedate, however, it fits the overall pace.

Technical Quality :

1. Pace and music work really well together. Movements work. Maybe the red sun shouldn't  be as visible or present throughout or as much - fade down?
2. Some really impressive technical skills (branches and petals) followed by some much more basic. Consider showing more technical skills throughout.
3. The transitions work well. Could be a little quicker in places. Mountain needs to be a little futher down in the frame (25seconds)

Documentation and Presentation :

1. Good development, program documented. More annotations needed on blog posts. Evaluation throughout on different steps. Great sound choice - Spot on!
2. Not loads of evidence of development and experimenting. Critically evaluate your work and design decisions more.
3. Good use of story boards. Well crafted. Visually tells the story and relates to finished sequence.

Additional Comments :

1. Idents? Channel? Design for the packaging? - good Muji idea but needs developing. 1st initial storyboards are well developed and feed into understanding the final piece. Tag posts on your blog more.
2. Intro is really strong and impressive - especially the first half. Good storyboards!
3. Edge of cityscape is visible at (00:00:10 Secs) The titles are repeated at the start and finish - is this appropriate? Maybe 'Tokyo' should just fade in or start without the 'Top 10'. As someone who doesn't know anything about Tokyo, I don't know what the images relate to.

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